Paint, Dream and Reach for the Stars

“Findley Market” watercolor, Suzanne Rusconi Accetta

Watching a theatrical performance can bring a sensation of emotional bliss. Viewing the real-life setting of actors and actresses, dressed in the finest attire and moving among simulated props, makes one experience a connection to the scene. The visual set design that is created as a backdrop brings an unconscious preparation for what is to come. Theater art is a huge part of bringing life to an onstage production and the stage would void of importance without it.


     Suzanne Rusconi Accetta began her career as an artist in watercolor painting. Her exhibitions have been shown locally and nationally. However, it was her children that changed Suzanne’s direction from painting for honors to that of focusing on a younger creative audience. Her first professional set design was done for the Columbus, Ohio Children’s Theater production of “The Secret Garden.” Since then, Suzanne has made her mark in the world of visual theater art, an illustrator of children’s books and as an instructor.

Her unique expression in watercolor paintings alone has made Accetta a sought after artist nationally. Adorning the walls of Radisson Hotels, Vanderbilt University and Cincinnati Bell Telephone, the realistic figures and scenes bring life to public areas. Whether it is her infamous ‘Dance Series’ or harmonious ‘Still Life’, Suzanne’s work is well-known.

“Praise” watercolor, Suzanne Rusconi Accetta, Opera Series

Educated at the University of Cincinnati and Otterbein College, Accetta holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and studies of Theatre. She also worked with artist Everett Raymond Kinstler. Suzanne is a member of various watercolor organizations, including Ohio Watercolor Society, Midwest Watercolor Society, Bexley Area Artist Guild and Ohio Realist Group. Her exhibitions extend as far as Colorado, New York City and Ft. Worth Texas, where many honors were received.

Becoming an instructor rounded out Suzanne’s career as an artist. Teaching watercolor classes and interacting with students in their endeavor to learn the freedom and beauty of artistic venues has made her quest in living her dream a reality.

“Village Mother” watercolor, 22 x 16 inches, Suzanne Rusconi Accetta

Today, Suzanne Rusconi Accetta resides in Columbus, Ohio where she teaches Drawing and Painting for Theatre at Otterbein College and holds watercolor classes at Columbus Cultural Arts Center. Theatre classes and workshops are conducted at Columbus Children’s Theatre. She credits her guidance and achievements to her never-ending faith in God.

For a full view of Accetta and her works, see: .