Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Peg Sagen People’s Choice Award

“Solitude, Banff National Park” by Erica Harvey.
“Solitude, Banff National Park” by Erica Harvey.


“In July 2015, I went to Banff National Park and for two nights stayed at the most incredible place called the Num-Ti-Jah Lodge, which is an old hunting lodge that was built in 1937.

     Situated right on the shores of Bow Lake, one could not ask for a more beautiful location. The place is so remote that no power lines run to it and the lodge runs on a generator, a fact I learned at 10:30 pm when the lights went out and I had to finish reading my book with a headlamp until the staff got it restarted.

     For my shot “Solitude” all I had to do was pull on a hat and walk 40 steps to the lake shore and I was ready to capture the sunrise. I was shocked to find I had the lake to myself. I was surprised no other guests had joined me. Eventually a car pulled in and another photographer joined me in documenting the moment, but I’m sure he had to get up much earlier than I did.”


The People’s Choice award was created in honor of former Rapid City, South Dakota Journal editor Peg Sagen who was instrumental in launching the annual Dahl Mountain Photo Competition and Exhibit. The award allows the public to voice their opinion for their favorite photo each year.


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