Road to Goa

By Tony Clark, Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres

We are all on a path, one that you can only start and one that you must end alone. I believe if you embark upon this self- journey it can; in fact from my own experience, it has and it will be a fantastic voyage. The key is to follow your ‘yellow brick road’ as I did, whereas I approached those unknown jogs and dips with an open heart and mind with a free-spirited soul.

     I recently learn of Scott Morgan whose earthly journey should have ended many months ago based not only on modern, but also ancient medical health treatments, however there is one factor that no one counted on: Art.

“Bridge of Sighs” is a bridge in Venice, Italy that was named by Lord Byron in the 19th century. A window in the middle of the bridge is where the prisoners took their final look and sigh at the beauty of Venice before being taken down to their cells.
“Bridge of Sighs” is a bridge in Venice, Italy that was named by Lord Byron in the 19th century. A window in the middle of the bridge is where the prisoners took their final look and sigh at the beauty of Venice before being taken down to their cells.

     Scott was diagnosed with inoperable stomach cancer nearly two years ago and instead of spending his final days in sterile hospital beds; he chose to journey back to India, a place where when he was 17 years old, studying at the American Institute in Delhi and in a coming of age haven with the airways flowed with the scents of the spices as well as the serenades of the sitars in Goa, acclaimed for its beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture in the country’s western region.

     Over a year has gone by and Scott is still on his ‘journey’ and even though his doctors are bewildered, I believe when he tapped into his right side of his brain; his creative side, and began drawing and painting impressionistic watercolors, his artworks, from my professional view, show a visual story of a man re-entering the womb of life as he continues to follow the light at the end of the tunnel.

     On the other hand, I find Scott Morgan’s art to be a total life force. Of course he could take endless amount of modern medicines, but it is clear to me what the powers of Art can do as not only as a medicine for the mind and body, but also a food for the soul. Scott may have been successful in the material world, but art has allowed him to live with his feet on the earth while being in touch with his spiritual side.

"Tree of Life" by Scott Morgan.
“Tree of Life” by Scott Morgan.

     I believe Scott’s legacy is that he is and was transformed by Art, such as the movement of the Vanitas in the 17th Century, where they came to realize that the physical things in life are transitory, including the Latin Day of the Dead which is celebrated because the material pleasures are left behind.  If not the latter, in Hindu, one of the highly revered Gods is Ganesh, a son of a prince who was decapitated. His father prayed to give him life, even if it meant the next living thing that walked by, which the father’s wish was granted, being, an elephant’s head on the boy’s body.

     So as I see it, it is not the beauty of the Art or life, it is the quality and daily miracles that bring us all closer to a higher plain as I have discovered in this video –  –  a place of spiritual realm where Art can take you. Also, to keep abreast of Scott’s travels, follow




 Editor’s note: For the digital print version – see or you can click on the scottmorgan ‘tab’ below to download:


6 thoughts on “Road to Goa

  1. We are very moved by Tony Clark’s insights into Scott’s artwork. Thank you for honoring him with your words and for helping us to understand the work on a new level. We are all on this journey together, after all, and as you say we all must go through the final phase alone. Scott has most likely painted his last painting, which is called, “The River”, and his artist friend, Dan Rizzie has likened it to a metaphor for this entire journey. Another friend who does not know Scott except via the blog, said that the Ganges is certainly THE river one thinks of as India and this is THE river we think of in terms of “passage / death” . Although we are not by the Ganges, we are well aware we are in this land of ancient mystery and India has been Scott’s muse for most of his adult life. We are grateful for your kind support and solidarity during this difficult but brilliant time. Namaste, Katy Allgeyer

  2. Thank you, Tony Clark for writing about Scott and his art. Many of us who are already familiar with his painting feel that these past 8 months since he learned he was terminally ill have helped him to produce his best and most masterful pieces ever.

  3. Jac B. Stulberg

    - Edit

    Oh Katy,

    The confluence of our minds stuns me all the same and nonetheless!! In mere seconds, although we are now many time zones and thousand of miles apart you wrote Tony like I did!! Go figure?!

    Namaste and love,


    Jac B. Stulberg, CIMA
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  4. Gary Mortimer

    - Edit

    This is truly an awesome story and just proves that we are all co-creators of our own lives.
    God bless Scott Morgan.

  5. As always, Tony Clark can see into art and the artists the things in life that move us and and really at the heart of all things. Art does heal and it closes deep wounds that otherwise have no balm. I am touched that not only did the artist look within to find inspiration and solace but also that Tony saw this and felt obliged to write about it for all of us to share it.

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