Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Russian Farces to take centerstage

Spartanburg Little Theatre artist-in-residence Anna Abhau Elliott will direct local theatre artists in Borscht Belt: Four Farces by Anton Chekhov, a collection of four short plays at Chapman Cultural Center’s Black Box Theater Friday, April 3 and Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 8:00 pm.


     The evening of plays showcases four of Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov’s pieces, “The Bear”, “The Proposal”, “The Dangers of Tobacco” and “A Reluctant Tragic Hero.”

     The plays are united around themes of marriage, misunderstanding and mayhem. “People haven’t gotten any less crazy since 1888,” Elliott observed. “The plays are also not going to be done in a fusty, proper, 19th century, foreign style. They are irreverent, wild and fun… like Looney Tunes, but more neurotic.”

Borscht Belt features local actors including Mark Byrnes, Chandler Crawford, Jessica Edwards, Lauren Ferebee, Tim Giles, Liam MacDougall, Lee Neibert, and Bridget Shropshire.

     Admission is a suggested donation and tickets are available at the door. For more information, see:!annas-adventures-in-spartanburg/c1mg6.


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