Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Sailor show on Center’s 2011 ‘wall’

"Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright"

     (NWPR-OH) – Works by watercolor artist Barbara Sailor of Jackson Center, Ohio goes on view Saturday, January 15, 2001 at Arts Place, Collective Center in St. Marys, Ohio.  A reception to welcome the artist will be held on Friday, January 14 from 7:00-9:00 pm. The exhibit, “Art from the Heart” will remain on view through February 26.

     Artist Sailor works in many media, but is primarily with watercolors. “I love the spontaneous quality of watercolor and the many special effects which can be obtained,” she says.  Her work is basically realistic with abstract patterns and varied textural effects utilized.  “I use a lot of color in my paintings and strong value patterns.”

"The Old Crow"

    Born and raised in Cleveland, Sailor studied art and art education at Bowling Green State University and has been a public school art teacher for more than 40 years in Western Ohio. She also instructs adult watercolor classes at area art centers.

     For more information on “Art from the Heart” as well as the Collective Center’s other programs, call Heidi Meade at 419.394.0707, or email, or stop in person at 138 East Spring Street in downtown St. Marys during Gallery hours: Monday through Thursday from 4:00-8:00 pm. Admission to the gallery is free and open to the public.

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