Series explores world of art

“Tahoe Living Room” 2016, artist Tracey Harris, pigment print, 44 x 64 inches, photo by Andy Freeberg.

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF (PNAN) – Opening Saturday, February 4, 2023 at the Jack Fisher Gallery will be recent photographic work by Andy Freeberg in exhibition entitled, “Advisor” which is the fourth photographic series depicting Freeberg’s insightful, witty and irreverent exploration of the art world.

During opening between 3:00-4:00 pm, an Artist’s Talk will be in the MSP Atrium which also includes a discussion, “Close to Home: On Love & Money in the Bay Area Art Scene” with Andy Freeberg, Shannon Jackson, Natasha Boas, Stephanie Breitbard and Jack Fischer.

The exhibit remains on view through March 18, 2023.