Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Show has new twists this year

     There has been plenty of activity here at the Wassenberg Art Center over the last couple of weeks!  In addition to our current double exhibit “The Art of Therapy” and “It’s in the Cards” we’ve been preparing for our 55th Annual June Art Exhibit. This exhibit has a longstanding tradition with the Wassenberg Art Center since its inception in the mid 1940s. The call for artists has gone out in the mail with a new look, judges have been confirmed and volunteers are set to work on entry day and jurying day. 

     Entries will be taken on May 21 and 22 from 1-5.  If you’re an artist age 18 or older and would like to enter your work, you can download the prospectus (rules, entry forms and artwork labels) from, or you may call to request one by mail.  Be sure to provide your name and mailing address.  A reminder: this is a juried exhibit, which means that jurors will select the pieces to be displayed.  Entry does not guarantee exhibit.

John Reichle

     The show reception is being planned, with some new twists.  This year instead of the typical Sunday opening reception, we will open the show to the public on June 5 — but instead of holding the reception that day we are planning a Saturday evening cookout party and awards ceremony, open to the public, on June 11 from 5-9 p.m.  June is the perfect month for gathering outside and we’ve gone a step further and added musical entertainment by the talented John Reichle, guitarist. John hails from Montpelier and has been entertaining audiences with his unique style.  We hope to see you at this party, which will also help to honor the 50th anniversary of building the Main Gallery addition to the original Wassenberg Home.

     A reminder — there are still openings in the Watercolor and Mixed Media class to be held on Tuesday evenings in May.  Visit our website calendar for information, or contact the art center.

     I hope you will visit the Wassenberg Art Center often to join with us in enjoying art of all kinds.  Our current exhibits, “It’s In the Cards” and “The Art of Therapy” focuses on two very different types of art, both of which encourage interaction.  These shows, sponsored by Vancrest Health Care Center, will run through May 7.  Exhibit hours are 1-5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday (closed Mondays) and admission is free. 

     The Wassenberg Art Center is located at 643 S. Washington Street in Van Wert, Ohio.  Contact us by phone at 419.238.6837 or by e-mail at  Check the calendar on our website,, for current activities.

By Hope Wallace

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