Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Show of taste will be real


Through filmed interviews, art installations, utensils, tools, recipes and food, scheduled for Friday, February 22, 2019, “What Why How We Eat” will be an exhibition about the real food and real people of Alaska, highlighting multiple cultures and food traditions within Alaska communities at the Anchorage Museum.


In-gallery dinner tables provide an interactive environment for learning about how food is produced, preserved and shared within Alaska’s diverse communities in both rural and urban areas.

     This exhibition will serve as a place for conversation and exchange, hosting all-ages, classes, lectures, demonstrations, lunches, dinners and tastings and providing opportunities to taste, feel and experience the social and physical dimensions of our food culture through the following: Urban Harvest classes sharing traditional food preparation and preservation skills, Group meals and food-related films, Drop-in food preparation and cooking demonstrations, Bike tours to community gardens, and Community talks and workshops with local chefs, restaurateurs, small business owners, academics, farmers and subsistence hunters.

For more information, call 907-929-9290 or see:

Images by Brian Kimmel
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