Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Show set to open



Works by Gary Hovey goes on view Monday, June 6, 2016 at Arts Place, Auglaize/Mercer Center in St. Marys, Ohio. The exhibit titled, “Chromatic Bloom” remains on view through July 14.


Artist Hovey began metalworking in a fine art foundry in 1981, where he became the manager of the metal shop. He gained years of experience as a skilled welder and metal fabricator.



Gary has been shaping forks, knives and spoons into realistic forms since 2004. His “Hoveyware” work began after the onset of Parkinson’s disease. “Since I can’t work a regular job anymore, making my art gives me purpose. I want my story to inspire others to look for what they can do despite what has happened to them.”



For more views of Hovey’s sculptures, see:




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