Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Society to be at Lilac Festival

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm,  members of the Defiance Society of Artists will be exhibiting, demonstrating, including member’s works in oil, acrylic and watercolor will be available for purchase during the annual Lilac Festival in the downtown Defiance, Ohio.

Founded in 1948, the Defiance Society of Artists, Inc. offers benefits of painting space in the studio, learning new painting skills and mediums, and having at least three venues annually to sell your artwork. Dues are $35 per year.

For information about this upcoming event, including more detailed membership activities, contact the following staff: Staci Kaufman, President at: 419.203.1595, Kate Smolik, Secretary, 419.576.2903, or Rosie Bryant, 419.439.1723. More at:

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