Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Solo show will be engaging

Aviary, 2014, Site Specific Latex Balloon Installation, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NYC, Jason Hackenwerth.

DENVER, COLO (PNAN) – Going on view from Saturday, August 19 through September 30, 2023, at the K Contemporary, Velvet Mantle, will be a solo show by Jason Hackenwerth, a multidisciplinary artist working in the fields of painting, sculpture, and installation who is also best known internationally for creating arresting and massive sculptures from colorful, latex balloons.

For K Contemporary, a suspended, organic, biological form called Medusa will engage viewers as they approach the main gallery. This site-specific installation will comprise between 8,000-10,000 inflated, hand-twisted balloons in traditional and neon colors ranging from pink, orange, and goldenrod to chocolate brown.

Artist Hackenwerth’s balloon creations are both concrete and amorphous, suggesting the human mind’s capacity for transcendence, a physical manifestation of floating consciousness. Accompanying will be the artist’s monumental paintings, including a salon-style wall of smaller works from his ongoing Paradise series as well as other Medusa schematic designs.

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