Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Storyteller ‘crumbs’ are delicious

     I have this friend who is quite an exceptional artist with a specialty in cartooning. After reading “Precarious” by Al Riske, I envisioned myself as a general practitioner in family medicine. One of my patients – let us call him Casey, who has a genetic history of hypertension that has brought on erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, he cannot take any mediation to bring on the “salute” when duty calls because of the potential damages to the heart valves.

     Picture a comic strip with the doctor standing and patient Casey sitting on the examining table in conversation.

     “Doc, have you come up with a pill yet for you know what?”

     “Yes Casey, but not in pill form.

     “What is it Doc? I am willing to try anything!”

     “So am I Casey, but I am no scientist, however follow my instructions.”

     “Take my low dosage aspirin and read what Doc?”

     “Precarious by Al Riske. This author pens mental visions so vividly and after you read “Don’t Stop Now” –  you will be doing the same.

     Although sex is only one topic woven in this book of 15 dynamic short stories, Riske writes dialog so compelling that it mentally transports the reader from their easy chair or bed to hear, such as “A breeze rustles through the ravine…”; to see “The morning clouds burn off…” to smell “…her own subtle scent.”

     Of course, I have found author Riske’s stories do not necessarily rest on the visual laurels of human intimacies; those which are bound to intrigue readership solely upon eye catching buzz words on the cover, including those review blurbs, but I must strongly admit he lives up to his written art form by delivering fabulous fables – soaps of life that sink their hook into get up, get out, get a life and could of-would of-should of- “All My Children”, “Falcon Crest”, “General Hospital” , “Dynasty” readers.

     Crackers and Al go well regardless of your chosen reading location because his savory sensations will charge your mental faculties with the “crumbs” that are left behind.

Review by Ben Rayman

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