Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Students to tell stories via the lens

RICHMOND, VA (PNAN) – Opening Saturday, January 18, 2025 at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in the Smurfit WestRock Art Education Center, “M.LiT Exhibition: Storytelling” is a project developed by students who participated in the 2024–25 Museum Leaders in Training (M.LiT) program that features their personal interpretations and artwork in this exhibition. This year’s class included 25 students, representing 17 schools in the Richmond-metro region.

Inspired by “A Long Arc: Photography and the American South since 1845” and “American, born Hungary: Kertész, Capa, and the Hungarian American Photographic Legacy”, students used disposable cameras to take photos representing their individual stories and identities. The surrounding mats were decorated to amplify the differing themes students decided to explore.

In addition, M.LiT participants also used these themes to design and organize Teen Night | Through Your Lens, a public program at VMFA on January 24.


Supported by the Hillsdale Fund and held annually, the M.LiT program introduces participants to a variety of careers in the art and museum setting. Each cohort of participants focuses on a unique project related to the museum’s collection while gaining skills in leadership, interpretation, writing, research and project management.

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