Show steps back in time

POSTPONED The world premiere of “The Soul Train” by artist Dara Birnbaum comes to the Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, New York on Sunday, April 14, 2019.…

Artist is in the spotlight

Carolina artist Edwin (Eddie) H. Weaver, Jr., who has been an artist and a glassblower for 42 years, is June’s artist of the month at Carolina Foothills Artisan Center in…

His works stands its ground

   OH: Cincinnati     WHERE: Contemporary Arts Center. WHEN: On view through- February 2, 2014. JR BRIEF ABOUT: French artist JR’s ( first solo museum exhibition, featuring more than a decade…

NY: New York City

WHERE: Hirschl & Adler Modern Gallery. WHEN: On view Thursday, January 10 to February 9, 2013. TITLE: Electric Pencil BRIEF ABOUT: The show will consist of 30 drawings created over…