If you think that going for a brisk walk before or after work is going to keep you trim and healthy, read these statistics supplied by Diet Bites www.dietbites.com) that provide an estimate of steps taken versus activity.
Sedentary – 2,500 steps per day, Very Low Activity – 5,000 steps per day, Low Activity – 7,500 steps per day, Somewhat Active – 10,000 steps per day, Active – 10,000 to 12,500 steps per day; and Very Active – over 12,500 steps per day
One mile of walking equals approximately 2,050 steps. On average, it takes 20-30 minutes to walk a mile. Unless you have a job that requires lots of walking, you would need to dedicate 2 ½ to 3 hours per day to be considered active.
According to Dr. James Levine, co-director of the Mayo Clinic, sitting is an unnatural posture that is not only bad for your back, wrists, arms and metabolism, but actually switches off the fundamental fueling systems that integrate what is going on in the muscles and in the tissues.
Countless studies have proven that jobs requiring hours of sitting can cause more chronic illnesses than those where physical activity is routine. It is recommended to stand and move at least every 50 minutes if you have a sit-down job and to walk around, if possible.
If you think that you receive enough exercise during the day, test your actual activity with a fitness tracker. The more aware you are of your rating, the sooner you can take steps to improve your health.