Art-to-Art Palette Journal

TN: Nashville

“Saint Clare Rescuing a Child Mauled by a Wolf”, ca. 1455–60, by Giovanni di Paolo.  Tempera and gold leaf on panel, 8 1/8 x 11 1/2 in. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, The Edith and Percy S. Straus Collection.
“Saint Clare Rescuing a Child Mauled by a Wolf”, ca. 1455–60, by Giovanni di Paolo. Tempera and gold leaf on panel, 8 1/8 x 11 1/2 in. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, The Edith and Percy S. Straus Collection.

WHERE: Frist Center for the Visual Arts.

WHEN: Opens Friday, October 31, 2014 and on view through January 25, 2015.

Sanctity Pictured: The Art of the Dominican and Franciscan Orders in Renaissance Italy

“Madonna and Child with Saint Francis”, ca. 1285. Tempera on wood, 27 x 20 1/4 in. Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, R.T. Miller Jr. Fund.

BRIEF ABOUT: The Frist Center is the exclusive venue for this exhibition and for the first time in its history, the Frist Center is borrowing works from the Vatican Library and Vatican Museums. In addition, twenty-eight American museums and libraries, including the Art Institute of Chicago, the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Gallery of Art and Pierpont Morgan Library are lending works to the exhibition.

     ‘Sanctity’ brings together more than sixty works of art: drawings, illuminated manuscripts, liturgical objects, paintings, prints, printed books and sculptures which will explore the role of the two major new religious orders in the revival of the arts in Italy during the period 1200 to 1550.

     In addition to the above, this exhibition is the first major presentation of Italian Renaissance art in Nashville since 1934, when selections from the Samuel H. Kress collection were shown at the city’s historic replica of the Parthenon.

“Sassetta. The Procession to Calvary”, 1437–44. Tempera on poplar panel, 19 1/8 x 25 1/4 x 1 1/2 in. Detroit Institute of Arts.

     Among the extensive schedule of public programming, the Frist Center will hold an all-day public symposium on Saturday, January 10, 2015 in the Frist Center auditorium. The speakers, in addition to Frist Center curator Trinita Kennedy, will be Donal Cooper, University of Cambridge; Holly Flora, Tulane University; Janet Robson, Independent Scholar; and Christine Sciacca, J. Paul Getty Museum.

MORE DETAILS: or stop at 919 Broadway in Nashville or call 615. 244.3340.

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