Art-to-Art Palette Journal

To sir, for our love of the forests

BANGOR, ME (PNAN) – On Saturday, February 11, 2023, from 3:00-4:00 pm at the Bangor Public Library, authors Claire Ackroyd and Roger Greene will discuss their abiding love for the northern forests of Maine and the work that led to the books they will present, including the joys and challenges of the writing and publishing process.

Ackroyd’s book, “Murder in the Maple Woods” is about a boy dies in the Maine woods. His death is judged an accident, but suspicions are raised.  Set in the remote maple sugar camps of northwestern Maine, the story unfolds around the maple syrup industry and its producers.

Greene’s book, “In the Company of Trees: The Empirical Forest” is a story of a certain place in the Northern Forest. A bit of history, a bit of humor, and events in the lives of working people who are part of the multiple dimensions of a rural village all dependent upon a local natural resource in the world of Sage Duff and Oracle Cambium as they endure challenging weather, rough roads, and encounters with woodland creatures of all kinds in pursuit of their dreams.

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