Art-to-Art Palette Journal

TX: Houston

WHERE: George R. Brown Convention Center

WHEN: October 18 and 21, 2012.

TITLE: Texas Contemporary

BRIEF ABOUT: This art fair features presentations from over 70 galleries showcasing contemporary work from the most innovative, progressive and driven artists from around the world. Proceeds from this second annual event, the Evening Preview, will benefit the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAHM) with participating such as Inman Gallery (Houston), Texas Gallery (Houston), Sicardi Gallery (Houston), Moody Gallery (Houston) Lora Reynolds Gallery (Austin), Marty Walker Gallery (Dallas), Conduit Gallery (Dallas), and David Shelton Gallery (San Antonio).  In addition other US galleries include, Angles Gallery (Los Angeles), ACME (Los Angeles), Daniel Weinberg Gallery (Los Angeles), Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts Gallery (Miami), Envoy Enterprises (New York), Feature Inc. (New York), James Harris Gallery (Seattle), Fredric Snitzer Gallery (Miami), Jonathan Ferrara (New Orleans), Gallery Joe (Philadelphia), Greg Kucera Gallery (Seattle), Jeff Bailey Gallery (New York), Lennon Weinberg (New York), Mark Moore Gallery (Culver City), P.P.O.W (New York) and Peter Mendenhall Gallery (Los Angeles).


About: Texas Contemporary art fair is produced by New York based artMRKT Productions. artMRKT is a partnership between Jeffrey Wainhause, Max Fishko and the dealers they work with. artMRKT is a new kind of company. With a dedication to improve the art world and a wealth of production experience, they look to provide dealers and collectors with the highest level of service. artMRKT Productions currently produces four art fairs in San Francisco, Bridgehampton, Houston and Miami.

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