Art-to-Art Palette Journal

VA: Front Royal

WHEN: Thursday, April 12, 2012, begins at 6:30 pm.

TITLE: Arts Citizen of the Year

BRIEF ABOUT: During the 9th Annual Dinner Roast at The Apple House in Linden, Tom Eshelman will be honored. “Tom has been a wonderful supporter of Blue Ridge Arts Council, literally raising tens of thousands of dollars through his donated services as auctioneer, for the programs of the arts council.  Many not-for-profits in the community certainly can say the same of Tom, he is a true community supporter and can be found at many events throughout the year, raising monies for programs that benefit our town and county,” says Executive Director Kym Crump.  “Tom is very deserving of this recognition; he truly does so much good work in this community, and is always in the background, never in the spotlight, helping so many people and programs.   We think it’s time to turn the spotlight on Tom, and force a little thanks and admiration on him – maybe he will even sing for us!”


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