Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Vermont arts provider to celebrate 25th

     (PNAN) – National arts organization, CERF+ (Craft Emergency Relief Fund + Artists’ Emergency Resource) will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a reunion, workshops, and a fundraising auction at Snow Farm in Williamsburg, Massachusetts on Saturday and Sunday, September 25-26. Headquartered in Montpelier, Vermont, CERF+ provides grants, loans, and other types of assistance to craft artists across the nation who have suffered accidents, illness, fire, theft or natural disaster.

     “In a time of financial need, especially with the economic downturn looming large,” said Sheffield, Massachusetts glass artist Ricky Bernstein, who rebuilt his studio with organizational funds after a devastating fire, “CERF+’s help is a gesture of immense support delivered with heartfelt, positive energy.” As an arts responder, CERF+ has given away more than $1 million in financial assistance and approximately $250,000 in donated services such as booth fee waivers, equipment, and supplies to help artists get back on their feet.

     During the event, all will gather to take a look at where this nonprofit has been and to envision its future. A dinner and dance Saturday night will include four special features: a short video on CERF+’s history and goals, the culmination of a month-long online auction, a smaller live auction, and an interactive timeline display of CERF+’s history.

     On Sunday, participants in the 10:00 am-1:00 pm “visioning” session will inform about the current environment for artists in order to develop effective strategies for the future. Following will be workshops in Snow Farm studios, including “Baskets and Packages from Japan” and “Flameworked Glass”. In addition, there will be tours of area studios and artists’ homes, concluding with a Farewell Dinner.

     “We’ve come a long way since 1985, with the most recent addition being a focus on helping artists avoid and/or lessen the impacts of disasters through emergency preparedness measures,” said CERF+’s executive director Cornelia Carey. “But our core values remain the same: to recognize the contributions that craft artists make to our culture by supporting their careers. Our programs provide meaningful supports, and require minimal bureaucracy.”

     To know more about this event, the online auction and CERF+, see:

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