Art-to-Art Palette Journal

WA: Seattle

WHERE: Seattle Art Museum.

WHEN: Through September 2, 2012.

TITLE: Ancestral Modern: Australian Aboriginal Art from the Kaplan & Levi Collection

"Home Country" by Rover Thomas.

BRIEF ABOUT: An exhibition that explores this unusual chapter of art history will feature over 100 artworks from the late 20th to early 21st century; paintings on canvas; ochres on bark; sculptures carved of wood, woven of fiber and cast in bronze. One observer cites Aboriginal culture as having the ability to induce a type of “intellectual vertigo,” or a sense of displacement from usual routines. Landscapes without horizon lines, paintings about Laws, portraits of ancestral beings, still lifes devoted to bush foods and poles that commemorate people’s lives are all evidence of Aboriginal creativity giving rise to a dynamic art movement.


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