Art-to-Art Palette Journal

WAC director says . . .

     The “Sketchbook Project” got me thinking. I’ve been told I think too much, but in this case it was a good …think… ugh. Anyway, I read an article the other night about the “Sketchbook Project” and instantly wanted to participate. This interactive art/art exhibit started in Brooklyn and is a collaborative collection of art books crated by 5,000+ artists around the world.

     You can examine the books lining the shelves of the Art House Co-op and/or sit down and draw in a sketchbook right there, and they even have all the medium anyone could ask for. 

     A sketchbook will be coming to Van Wert with my name on it. What better way to chronicle the Wassenberg Art Center’s journey in the coming year? After all many things around here, begin with a sketchbook.

     Presently, I am happy to say our classes are filling rapidly! 20 plus classes over a span of 3 months seems to be a good confirmation that an art center such as the Wassenberg does offer a vital service in our community. If you had your eye on a particular class you may want to give us a call soon, some classes are limited due to space and equipment and we want you to make stuff! Don’t forget, ArtNight is back is session on Tuesday evenings from 6–8 p.m. We have an instructor on hand to answer questions about whatever project you are working on and it is always a change up and pleasant way to work with others as opposed to on your own.

     Our first exhibit of 2012, “Walk on the Wild Side” featuring the art and sculpture of the Indiana Wildlife Artists Association, will be opening with a public reception on Saturday, February 4, 6 at 8:00 pm. We will again have great food and wine tasting for art center members (a very easy thing to become). Mark your calendars for this one, we might even have a little surprise, but I’m not telling!

     Contact the art center at 419.238.6837, via or visit our website at The Wassenberg Art Center is located at 643 South Washington Street in Van Wert.

By Hope Wallace


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