Art-to-Art Palette Journal

WI: Madison

“Out Our Way”, 1971 by Roy De Forest, acrylic on canvas, 64 x 64 inches. Collection of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art.

WHERE: Madison Museum of Contemporary Art.

WHEN: On view through August 19, 2012.

TITLE: One must know the animals

BRIEF ABOUT: In a reflection of personal and social values, this exhibition examines how modern and contemporary artists have used the animal form, as far back to the earliest cave paintings and tribal totems, animals whether they were companions, workers, prey, predators or/and sacred creatures, they have captivated artists’ imaginations and served as an enduring subject. For example, Roy De Forest depicts the animal world in a fantastical comic style. In “Out Our Way” (1971), he rounds up caricatured men in hats and oversized animals. From a window cut into the side of a giant pink rabbit, a woman stares out to make eye contact with a spotted horse. We are both with and within animals, a reminder of how deeply animals are embedded in human life.


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