Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Wixom works to show exodus to triumph

"Cologne on the Rhine" by Vindora Wixom

“All waters flow eventually to the sea; all creativity in its diversity is still one with the human impulse to reflect, understand, and communicate those insights with others.” Vindora Wixom

     (PNAN-NY) –  Born in Constanza, Romania on the Black Sea to a family of German descent, who had emigrated from Eastern Prussia, Vindora (Hontscher) Wixom destinies has taken many waterways, the Danube, the Rhine and the Hudson. However, those travels were not always bump-free.

     Changes in her adult time came when she was a cruise director on a Romanian ship that made weekly trips to Vienna, becoming a passageway to freedom from Communist Romina. A deflection and German citizenship led to new employment on the Rhine River ships, and in 1985 she came to America, adding husband Richard and children to her world. The Wixom story opens on Saturday, November 6 in an exhibition of her artworks in “Crossings: Borders/Bridges/Barriers” at the Arts Society of Kingston. As she writes, “Coincidence or not, water played a large, important part of my life. Eventually it flowed into my art.”

     Besides her oil paintings, a special installation in wire represents her entanglement in the Iron Curtain, a barrier she broke to achieve simple freedoms, including other works in wire of a humorous view of the subjects.

"Sasha" by Claudia Engel

     In addition, in the Lounge Gallery, “Animal House” by ASK members will also be on view and join Wixom in a shared opening reception between 5:00-8:00 pm. Both shows will remain on display through November 27.  For more information, see or artist Wixom,

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