Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Woodson’s beauties set to show

Going on view Sunday, June 9 through July 20, 2019, “Into the Woods: Hoosier Landscapes By Dan Woodson†at the Richmond Museum of Art, the show will feature 100 works and the career of the co-founder of the Indiana Plein-Air Painters Association, including one of the five artists who created the images for the first Painting Indiana book, which he said, “Success is not what you gain as a result;  it is knowing in your heart that you did your best, regardless of the results.”

        Dan Woodson paints in an original style, expertly manipulating tonal values with great precision. With determination and the pursuit of perfection, he enhances the natural beauty of the subjects he chooses to paint. Although he has had no formal training in fine art, Woodson has received many regional and national recognition for his works.

I had always wanted to try oil painting, but felt I had to settle for drawing because of my color-blindness.  In 1994, I decided to try it anyway and I have painted ever since.  I enjoy the challenge oil painting presents, but I still like to draw my paintings in detail just because I love to draw.”

Born in 1945, this lifetime resident of New Castle, Indiana, has also served in the US Military as well as been a master sign painter who has garnered national awards in this artistic career field.

â€The Reject†by Dan Woodson, oil · 20 x 30 inches

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