Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Works take on dual artist’s visions

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (PNAN) – On view, canvas, paint, steel: two visions through December 2022 at Jack Fischer Gallery are works by Ted Larsen and Jonathan Parker.

No. 362, acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14 inches, 2022 Jonathan Parker.

Parker paints on canvas which he then cuts and sews onto pristine canvases and painter drop cloths. “When I make art, I have something to say, however when I stand before a finished work, it has something to say to me. And if the painting works, it speaks not in my voice but in a universal language,” said Parker.

These two bodies of work interest me particularly as they both explore form and color with wildly different materials and voices to fashion their paragraphs and short stories.

Liquid Marble, salvage steel, marine grade plywood, silicone, vulcanized rubber, hardware, 14 x 15 x 7.25 inches, Ted Larsen.

Larsen paints on the sections of exposed metal he finds in New Mexican high desert junk car lots that have decades of ready-made deep colors. He said in regards to an earlier time in his artistic career, “When I painted barns and things like that I would change the palette, such as all red paintings, blue paintings or all yellow paintings, the barn would always be the same compositional form, however changing the palette allowed me to look at the relationships between color and form.”

Viewers will discover these two bodies of work both explore form and color with different materials.

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