The public is invited to an opening reception of “Uncommon Objects” in the Dublin Arts Council’s gallery in Dublin, Ohio on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 beginning at 6:00 through 8:00 pm, which artists Andrew Ina, Luke Ahern and Michael Ambron exhibit a series of paintings that expose the common threads connecting their practices while revealing the unique manner in which each addresses the conceptual framework of this exhibition, which examines the lines that divide object, representation and perception.

Ina uses his entire body to deliver an impact onto the surface of his paintings. Each artwork is choreographed spontaneously, combining the delicate act of illusion against impulsive layers of marks. Ahern maintains a rigorous studio practice and is also an active musician. His artwork explores “the inherent tension between surface, image and object.” Ambron studies the balance between tangible space and abstraction, exploring the various layers of vision framed within theoretical and observable space. The show remains on view through August 2, 2014.
The event continues at 6:30 pm with the dedication of “Tree of Life, Future Tense”, a permanent, outdoor mixed media sculpture by Mary Jo Bole on the east grounds of the Dublin Arts Council property.
Bole’s bronze cast tree trunk embraces a red oak tree planted within the sculpture. Branches of the monument contain porcelain photographs of trees enveloping things, a foretelling of the artwork over time beyond the artist’s own lifespan.
For more information, see www.dublinarts.org or call 614.889.7444.